Good morning, my friend. Bonjou, zanmi pa m’. This phrase is a more familiar form of good morning, with the addition of my friend. This is how you would greet someone who is familiar to you. Literal Meaning Bonjou – Good morning zanmi – friend pa – [shows possession] m’ – mine (common abbreviation of […]
How do you say “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” in Creole? (bòn fèt)
Happy Birthday bòn Fèt (an kreyòl) bòn Fèt Happy Birthday Bonn anniversaire (French) In Haiti, we love to celebrate birthdays. These phrases are how you can wish someone a joyful birthday. I’m including the French version (aka the other Haitian language) because it is often used in this context. Just like Merry Christmas, the French slogan […]
How to say “I Love You” in Creole (audio clip) Mwen renmen ou
This is not a phrase you want to mess up! Watch the video or scroll down to play the audio files that demonstrate exactly how to say I LOVE You in Creole. Mwen renmen ou I love you This phrase has a range of meaning depending on the context. Just like English, “I love you” […]
How do you say “My name is ___ . What is your name?” in Creole
My name is ___ . What is your name? Mwen rele ____ . Kijan ou rele? The most basic sign of respect is to learn a person’s name. This phrase is essential when you make a new acquaintance in Haiti. It’s always polite to start the introduction by giving your own name, after that you […]
How do you say “Hello. How are you?” in Creole?
Hello, how are you? Bonjou, kijan ou ye? This is an essential phrase that speakers of Haitian creole will use everyday. Bonjou is the greeting before noon which means “good morning.” For after 12 pm, you would say Bonswa or Bon apre midi. You can also offer a simple “Alo” which also means hello. Literal […]