This page contains explicit words, both Creole cuss words and their English meaning. Sensitive readers should not proceed. They are listed here for educational purposes, we don’t recommend you use them in public.
Teasing your friends or full on insulting other drivers in traffic is a common part of life in Port-au-Prince. The following Haitian Creole curse words are not typically included in vocabulary lists. We’re adding them here so you will understand that you are being insulted and cussed out in Creole!! We don’t recommend you respond, unless its teasing among good friends. Trading Haitian insults in the street is a good way to start a fight — please avoid that.
Common Swear Words & Insults in Creole
Kijan moun konn joure yon lòt moun nan kreyòl
How people typically insult others in Creole
Idyot — idiot
Tèt zozo — dick head
Masisi — gay person (insult)
Gèt manman w — your mom
Enbesil — imbicil
Bouzan — prostitute
Fanm lèd — ugly woman
Gwo vant — fat belly
Kochon — pig
Bouda plat — flat butt
Nèg lèd — ugly guy
Gwo dyòl — big mouth
Chen — dog
Vòlè — thief (male)
Volèz — thief (female)
Anndan chou pouri — nasty crotch
Andan Kwabosal — you smell like a dump
Salop — slob
Salopri — you mess up everything
Kaka — shit
Mèd — fuck or fuck you
Dyòl santi – bad breath
Santi fò — you stink
Anndan tourego — your croche smells like a canal
Parese — lazy
Kou rèd — stingy
Sou moun — trying to please others too much
More Haitian Slang
Atik avèk moun kap joure :
Avadra – slob
Vye bagay – trash
Moun sal – dirty person
Gwo kochon – big pig
Depotwa – dump
Vomisman chen – dog vomit
Fouk si – stinky crotch
Labou kadekan – muddy trash / garbage
Depi lapli pa tonbe koko w pa janm lave – without rain you never wash your crotch
Kalanbè – makes me want to vomit
Dyòl vè – rotting mouth
Koko santi – stinky vagina
Zozo santi – stinky penis
Kalmason – person who causes problems
Zo koko kalagyèt manman – insulting momma
Dechay sou diri blan – sperm in white rice
Koko kaka – shitty vagina
Koko vè – bad vagina
Bouzen lari – street whore
Vlen sou kaka mouton – bad parts of meat
More Haitian Creole Curse Words
Koko dlo – wet (infected) pussy
Latrinn santi – smell like an outhouse
Ti sina – do nothing person
Agrenay – person who likes dirty people
Dyòl karanklo – mouth smells like a vulture
Atagaz – person who never pays a bill
Konyen – slang for sex
Grenn si – dirty crouch (male)
Tete si – dirty breast (not washed under)
Malpwopte – person who’s never clean
Tèt langyèt – pussy lips (labia)
Kalanbè – woman who doesn’t wash after sex
You’ll often hear the normal American curse words too. We have a lot of influence in Creole from contemporary Hip Hop. So the “bad words” and from explicit lyric rap music very often become the Haitian “bad words” too.
>> Learn how to say “SHUT UP” in Haitian Creole
Please used this vocabulary with caution. Now that you know how to curse in Creole – we don’t recommend anyone using these Haitian swear words, except in friendly situations with your baz (gang or homeboys).
If you hear something not on our list, don’t forget you can ask us anything.
Specific Reader Questions:
What does “zozo” mean in Creole?
“Zozo” is a Haitian Creole slang word for penis or dick. It’s derived from the creole word “zo” which means bone. If you want to know how to say penis in creole – it’s zozo.
What does “salopri” mean in Creole?
“Salopri” is a Haitian Creole insult meaning looser. It’s derived from the word “salop” which means slob.
What does “masisi” meaning in Creole?
“Masisi” is a Haitian Creole curse word used to insult someone for being a homosexual.
How do you say “ugly” in Creole?
“Led” is the Haitian Creole word meaning “ugly.” When used to describe a person it is pejorative.
Are “get momo ou”a bad words in Creole?
“Gèt manman ou” sometimes sounds like “get mama” is an insult to your moms vagina. Sometimes you’ll hear “Gèt maren ou” which is another way to say mother.
How do you say pussy in Creole? How do you say vagina?
“Koko” and “Bobot” are the Creole swear words for vagina.
How do you say “fuck you” in Creole? How do you say “fuck” in Creole?
“Mèd” is a Haitian Creole phrase that means “fuck you.” The common Creole spelling is “fòk ou” but it sounds very similar to the English.

How to say get on top in creole
monte anwo a – climb on top
ale anlè – go upstairs
What does : “li gin yon sel zozo pitit, se pa bagay pouw we mem” and “li konn karese” ?
He likes to masturbate.
It means that he has a small penis and its something you shouldn’t see. Li konn karese means he can fuck/make love or he knows how to caress well.
excellent explanation but I still feel sorry for that guy. lol
What does “li gin yon sel zozo pitit, se pa bagay pouw we mem” mean ?
Something about a small penis too small for people to see.
What does “ouse yon kaka esque ou bagay” mean?
Hard to say without hearing it exactly – shit = kaka. bagay = thing.
If a person said, “Ou se yon kaka, eske ou bagay?” it would mean you are a shitty little thing.
Hope that helps!
What does “fé men én avek mwen”?
We’re a little stumped – not sure you are hearing it right (or maybe they have a typo).
avek mwen = with me
the rest could be taken a few different ways.
fe men = make hands
femen = close
Thank you! It does help. I also have another one. “Fé men én avek mwen”. Do you happen to know what this one means?
why is a white guy responding and not the Haitian woman ?
w konnen blan konsa lol
What is jap in creole and sa want