This post offers a brief audio introduction to some common foods in Haiti. You can look through the photos below and listen to the audio pronunciations to learn more. Please leave a comment to tell us about your favorite Haitian food.
Bonswa. Mwen rele Estherline Dessime. Map presente ou manje lakay : se bagay tout moun konn manje Ayiti
Good afternoon. My name is Estherline Dessime. I am presenting you house food. This is one thing everyone in Haiti is know to eat.
Pikliz : yo prepare li avèk chou , Karòt, zonyon ,pwavon, piman ,magi avèk aside
Pikliz – They make it with cabbage, carrots, onions, peppers, spice, and vinegar
Manje sa rele : bannann jònn ,avèk sòs vyann , epi zonyon
This food is called young banana, with meat sauce, and onion
Manje sa rele bannan peze (and how to make it)
This food is called smashed banana.
Manje sa rele : bannann jònn , ze , avèk zaboka
This food is called young banana, eggs, and avocado
Manje sa rele : Sapageti avèk janbon ,zonyon , sòs tomat ,maronèz.
This food is called spaghetti with ham, onion, ketchup, and mayonnaise
Yo prepare li avèk makaroni ,òldog ,ze ,zonyon , sòs tomat
They prepare macaroni with hot dog, onion, and ketchup.
Estherline, it’s interesting to know that Haitians make their spaghetti with ham, onion, ketchup, and mayonnaise. It surely is different from the way we cook it in America. I have a Haitian friend that I met online who’s traveling to my city for work-related reasons, and he wants to meet up with me in person. Perhaps I should take him to a Haitian food restaurant in the city as a way to get to know his culture. Thanks for this!