This is a list of opposites in Kreyol along with audio pronunciations. Listen and read along to improve your vocabulary. This is not a complete list but words you will use in everyday conversation if you’re living in Haiti. Koman ou ka bay kontrè tou mo sa yo an kreyolHow you can say the opposite […]
Haitian Boy Names
We often get asked about Haitian names for babies in Creole. Here is a list of some popular names with audio pronunciation. (we asked our friends & family around Port-au-Prince for ideas). Some are historical and many are unique. Enjoy! If you need more ideas don’t be shy – ask us anything! Don’t miss the […]
Haitian Girl Names
Here are some traditional Haitian names you can give to your newborn baby girl. We’ve included the audio pronunciation below. Scroll down to see names that start with the different letters. Many are historical and unique! If you need more help, please ask us anything. We also posted a list of male names in Haitian […]
How do you say in Creole?
These are some recent reader questions – we’re combining them to make life easier!
Emoji Meaning In Haitian Creole
Emoji is becoming a universal language, but here is how we’d translate some popular choices into Haitian Creole. . Mwen damou / oubyen mwen renmen ou — I’m in love // or I love you
. Mwen tèlman kontan mwen kriye — I’m so happy I’m crying
. Mwen ap kriye — I’m crying
Hygiene & Bath or Shower Vocabulary in Creole
Sèvyèt — towel Savon — soap Dra — cover Zorey — ear Dezodan — deodorant Krèm — cream